For example,Бобцов

Measurements and molecular structure correlation for the thermal conductivity of liquid HFC-Refrigerant R152a


The comprehensive thermal conductivity measurements have been obtained for the refrigerant R152a. The range of state points studded by coaxial cylinders method include those from temperatures from 296,44 to 359,09 K and pressures to 8,60 MPa. The operation of the instrument was verified by measuring the thermal conductivities of R22, air, and helium. The sources of measurements error arising from convection, radiation and end-effects are discussed. The thermal conductivity computations have been performed by using the summarized increments of molecular systems of R22 and R152a. Comparisons with the limited amount of experimental information for saturation liquid available for refrigerants indicate that the proposed procedure allows evaluation of the thermal conductivity of R152a to within a few percent. 


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