Study of heat transfer during condensation of freons on bare inclined tube
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Articles in current issue
- The Kaliningrad State Technical University is 70 years old
- Thermal and energy characteristics of refrigerating installation of a gas carrier ship
- About some principles of designing of catching trawler and efficiency of its operation
- Calculation of parameters of vacuum systems as used in food production processes
- Experimental determination of thermophysical characteristics of freeze-dried products
- Calculation of freezing time of fish blocks with due regard for their heterogeneity
- Mathematical model of the process in the installation for fine comminution of frozen fish
- Influence of pickle components and splitting method on maturation of light-salted herring during cold storage
- Technological investigations into mercury removal from tuna muscle tissue
- International scientific and technical conference «Low-temperature and food process technologies in XXI century»
- Thermal calculation of regenerative indirect-evaporative cycle of air cooling
- Study of heat transfer during condensation of freons on bare inclined tube
- Calculation of recuperative heat exchange in apparatuses with longirudinal convection of heat carriers and internal heat sources
- A technique for the calculation of surface tension of ozone safe refrigerant blends
- Cryogenic device for freezing of sperm of sturgeon fish
- About selection of parameters of hydroaerosol-evaporative freesing of sausage items after heat treatment
- Dependence of strength of milk rennet clot from temperature and duration of the effect of the load