The effect of age of the patient at whole-body gas cryotherapy

The influence of the skin thermal conductivity of the patient on his heat condition during and after procedure of whole body gas cryotherapy (WBGC) has been examined. Heat transfer in human body was characterized within the bounds of 19-compartment Gordon model for a “standard” human being which was modified purposely with due regard for individual anthropometric data as stature, body weight, relative adipose and muscular tissue and others. Computation of heat-transfer coefficients of cylindrical compartments was realized according to inquiry formulas. Results of experimental investigations of difference of temperature of cutaneous coverings of young (21 years old) and high aged (69 years old) sportsmen after WBGC procedure in comparison with the results of computing experiment are presented. It has been revealed that measured and calculated skin temperatures for two age groups differ less than 0,2 °С and difference between skin temperature of abdomen compartment of young and high aged patients was 4 °С at the temperature of gas cooling medium (air) minus 110 °С and 3 minutes of WBGC time exposure. We concluded that in wide-ranging possible relative age-related changes of basal metabolic rate, thickness of hypoderm and thermal conduction of skin, exactly thermal conduction changing brings in capital contribution of difference of temperature of cutaneous covering of young and high aged patients.