For example,Бобцов

Lactobacilli – inhibitors microbiota of brewing malt


The article deals with the problems of malting barley contamination by microorganisms. To reduce microbial contamination of light malting barley the use of lactic acid bacteria is proposed. The barley grown in Russia was used: Annabell, Margret, Scarlett, and Xanadu two-row malting barley of Western Europe selection and Signal barley of Russian selection. The ways of reducing the epiphytic microbiota grains during malting with the use of Russian Lactobacillus acidophilus lysate strain (n.v.Ep 317/402) are analyzed. It was found that the use of pure and mixed cultures of lactic acid bacteria in soaking and germination of malting barley does not affect the dynamics of germination of barley grain, but has a significant impact on the microbial contamination reduction of the finished malt. The barley grown with the use of Lactobacillus acidophilus is shown to demonstrate reducing of yeast and mold fungi content. Filamentous fungiare found not to grow actively in storage of the malting barley under investigation, moreover, their content reduced after three-months storage, that proves the presence of some substances preventing their growth.


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