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The paper presents a version of technical implementation of automated installation and its performance algorithms for determining the piezoactuator parameters. The evaluation was carried out by a linear regression form of transfer function. The first approximations were used as the derivatives. The known parameters of the piezoactuator were used to analyze identification procedure results and determine the object parameters. A stepwise action was applied to the input in the first method. In this case, it is necessary to perform measurements with a frequency more than 200 kHz to ensure an error less than 1%. The paper deals with the problems related to making measurements in real time mode and to processing large amounts of data. The feature of the piezoactuator operation was used to improve the quality of the procedure – its ability to direct acceleration measurement. Also, a pulse width modulated signal with a variable duty cycle was formed to obtain a more informative output signal. The conclusion was drawn that the application of the least-squares method in conjunction with the pulse-width input action and the usage of the accelerometer makes it possible to obtain results with a small error in the estimation even when operating at sampling frequencies near 20 kHz. The embedded System Identification Toolbox enables accurate determination of a model on 20 kHz frequency, technically realizable in real time mode. As a result, the variant of technical implementation of automated installation and performance algorithms were proposed. The parameters convergence was provided with an accuracy of 0.5% at measurement frequency of 20 kHz that allows for real-time operation in MATLAB Simulink Desktop Real-Time software.


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