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Research of current anti-crisis management strategies in domestic business


The relevance of the study is due to the development of the current situation with an increase in number of bankruptcies of domestic enterprises and the need for an effective method of anti-crisis strategic planning in an unstable business environment. The aim of the study is to research modern scientific and methodological approaches to the formation of anti-crisis strategies in business. The objectives of the study are: substantiation of the need for integration the strategic anti-crisis planning system, description of the key parameters of effective strategic anti-crisis planning, description of the specifics in the strategy development process in crisis conditions, presentation of development alternatives in crisis conditions, description of modern anti-crisis planning strategies in Russian practice, classification of crisis management tools and KPI system adaptation in the process of strategic in anti-crisis planning. In the course of the research, the current dynamics of bankruptcy growth in the domestic business were assessed in the period from 2007 to 2016, a conclusion was made about the advisability of introducing anti-crisis planning tools into a strategic analysis, three topical strategies and seven groups of tools for strategic anti-crisis planning were classified; the Balanced Scorecard concept has perspectives to improve in crisis management strategies. The practical significance of the results is connected with the possibility of their adaptation to the strategic planning of Russian enterprises in order to minimize the risks of manifestation of crisis situations.


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