For example,Бобцов

The construction and usage of i–d diagram for a mixture N2-CO2


An algorithm of constructing of i-d diagram for the usage of mixture «nitrogen – carbon dioxide», which can be useful for the fast determination of the amount of frozen carbon dioxide out from mixed gas. Furthermore, by means of this diagram it is possible to determine a mixture temperature, which is established after a supply to a mixture of warmth of a phase transformation to a part of carbon dioxide from gaseous into solid state. The result of the calculations is summarized in the attached tables. The constructed diagram is arranged in the parameter range typical for the process of carbon dioxide freezing in a low-temperature expanders. The convenience of using this diagram is the application of the oblique system of coordinates, which alleviates the determination of the essentials. The construction comprises several steps: the choice of scale; calculation and construction of carbon dioxide content lines; value determination and charting constant isenthalpies and isotherms; value calculation for a construction of saturation lines of carbon dioxide at different pressures. The scheme for determining main characteristic quantities is also given in the present article.


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