For example,Бобцов



Results of development of onboard control system for nanosatellite are presented. The system is a single-board device corresponding to dimensional specifications of CubeSat-class Spacecraft. The main idea of the development is creating of such an onboard control system that the CubeSat general operational requirements are maximally satisfied. Moreover, the used technologies are to satisfy prospects of future development of domestic electronic instrument making industry. The hardware components are represented by two FPGAs, included two „systems-on-chip“ which are interconnected by SpaceWire interface. The first FPGA includes an onboard computer based on the LEON3 processor; the second FPGA includes a power system controller and a subsystem for collecting information from analog sensors. The SpaceWire technol-ogy allows creating onboard network of nanosatellite with routing switches included in „system-on-chip“ of the onboard control system. To ensure the fault tolerance of the complex, the external and internal memory (cache and register file of the LEON3 processor) of the onboard computer are protected by a single-error detection and correction device. The power-switching device allows removing power from all nanosatellite systems including the onboard computer. Technical characteristics achieved in experimental model of the on-board control complex are not inferior to those of small, medium and heavy spacecraft. However, the consumed power of the developed onboard control system exceeds capabilities of solar panels of a 1U-nanosatellite, so it can be recommended for CubeSat-class spacecrafts starting from 3U and above.  


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