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Review of methods for vibration diagnostics of screw compressor


The aim of the work is the methodological unification of all the features of diagnosing mechanical part of screw compressors, with the consideration of all the features of the design, vibration measurement tools, and methods of vibration control of the technical state. A literature review is carried out which structures all the features of diagnosing mechanisms using ISO 1816-1-97 State Standard. In the material presented practical examples of the analysis of the acceleration and vibration velocity spectrograms are given. A scheme of the possible path of the vibration signal from the source to the body of a sealed vertical screw compressor is drawn up. Fixed points of measurement of the vibration signal are indicated. The result of this material is the justification and direction of further research in the field of vibration analysis. The requirements for individual diagnostics of sealed vertical screw compressors, which includes the solution of the following issues: assessment of the technical condition of the overall level of vibration on the basis of modeling the development of damage, recognition of the technical condition of the spectral patterns with the loss of the oil layer between the screws; and taking into account the degree of attenuation of the vibration signal at the information frequencies of possible damage are formulated.


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