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Modification of the food security model in the context of environmental sustainability requirements


Environmental sustainability is becoming one of the most important factors determining the development of agri-food systems at the global, national and local levels. The article concludes that Russia, which has solved the task of ensuring food independence as a result of the agrarian policy since 2014, has faced the need to modernize the national model of food security. In this regard, it seems relevant to justify the most important directions for modifying the new model, which include reducing food losses and waste, increasing the quality of food products, creating a state food safety control system, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The purpose of this study is to find out what the modern model of food security is, its features in developed and developing countries, to determine what new risks a society faces, striving to satisfy the need for high-quality and wholesome food. To solve this problem, we used systemic and indicative approaches, as well as general scientific research methods. The study allowed us to conclude that new risks and threats in the field of food security arise, including due to a change in the environmental situation. It is especially noted that in the context of the creation of global food supply chains, not only “environmental stresses” in a given country, but also a number of other resource-supplying countries can pose a threat. As a result, it was concluded that taking environmental criteria into account will allow a more complete assessment of food security at global and national levels.


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