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Thermo-physical properties of avocado from Southeast Asia


The article studies the effect of temperature on the thermo-physical properties (TPP) of avocado form Southeast Asia. The specific heat of food plays an important role in the design of storage and transport systems. A large number of methods are known that are used to determine the TPP of food products. The article concerns the most popular one – DSC 204 F1. Specific heat of avocado was determined by the DSC method under refrigerating conditions and in the temperature range of from –25 to 25 ºC. The DSC method for determining the specific heat capacity of food products included four stages: such as setting the temperature program, correction, calibration, and measurement. As a result, it was shown that the specific heat of the avocado depends on temperature. The results of the research are of immediate use in designing refrigerating and storage systems in food industry.


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