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Problems of educational process management when using digital tools in higher education


Currently, digitalization is of great importance - the introduction of digital tools in various industries, science, and business. The field of education is also subject to digital influence and is undergoing changes in its processes. Recently, in educational institutions in various fields of activity, digital solutions have been applied based on the capabilities of the Internet, with the help of interactive and information technologies for learning, have been adapted to a new generation of students who prefer online communication through digital devices to classical forms of communication. The purpose of the work is to study the problems of managing educational processes when using digital tools in higher educational institutions. Data and methods: assessment of the use of digital tools, which should be carried out on the basis of an analysis of their capabilities in solving the problems of transition to the paradigm of the formation of a post-industrial society. To conduct a comparative analysis, the most popular tools were used and their comparison was carried out. The study of the problems of managing the implementation of digital tools was carried out on the basis of a systematic analysis of the lower levels of the educational institution's management system, using the example of implementation in mass educational online courses (MOOCs). Analysis of the results: an assessment of the use of digital tools in education is not only necessary to facilitate the work of teachers and improve student performance, but it is also necessary to achieve a new qualitative state of the vocational education system necessary to meet the requirements of modern society and an innovative economy. Implementation of digital tools in the educational process related to the need to develop a whole range of new management methods and methods to support functions such as organization, motivation, control and coordination at the level of “teacher - student” and “line manager - student”, and it is necessary to develop normative legal acts reflecting these changes.


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