For example,Бобцов

Investigation of Surface Pro¬perties of Alloys Using Indentation Instruments


Using indentation instruments, the features of elastoplastic deformation of samples made of alloys are investigated. The alloys of aluminum AMc, titanium VT23, and steels 45, HVG with FCC, HCP and BCC lattices, respectively, are studied. It is shown that when indentation depth increases, instrumental hardness (H1T), elastic modulus (Е1T), and their ratios (НIT / EIT) tend to the values of classical microhardness Нµ, Young's modulus E, and their ratio (Нµ/E). The nature of localization of plastic deformation of alloys near the surface of the indenter is analyzed. The reason for the hard workability of titanium-based alloys is determined.


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