Hygroscopic properties of water-soluble anthocyanin complexes isolated from fruit and berry raw materials
The aim of the study was to determine hygroscopic parameters and their thermodynamic analysis for the rational organization of the drying process for water-soluble anthocyanin complexes isolated from fruit and berry raw materials. The hygroscopic characteristics and equilibrium moisture content of the aqueous mulberry extract were found using the tensometric method by Van Bamelen. Thermodynamic analysis of hygroscopic parameters was carried out on the basis of the classical Gibbs-Helmholtz equation. The hygroscopic parameters were determined and their thermodynamic analysis was carried out for the rational organization of the drying process of water-soluble anthocyanin complexes isolated from fruit and berry raw materials, in particular, mulberry extract. The estimation of the variation of the binding energy of moisture with dry matter at various stages of drying is carried out. Within the limits of moisture variation 0.02 ≤ Wp ≤ 0.07, microbiological and enzymatic activity is minimal, and therefore its value equal to 0.07 is taken as the final one for storage. The obtained data and their dependence on influencing factors can be used in the design of drying processes for drying equipment.
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