The 29th General Annual Meeting of the International Academy of Refrigeration
On April 21, 2022, the 29th General Annual Meeting of the International Academy of Refrigeration (IACH) was held at the St. Petersburg National Research University ITMO (ITMO University). The meeting was held in a mixed mode: in person and online on the ZOOM platform. The meeting was led by Professor of ITMO University, Academician V.A. Pronin. Academician A.V. Baranenko, President of the IACH, made a report on the activities of the Academy over the past period and tasks for the future. Member of the Audit Commission Academician E.I. Kiprushkina reported on the work of the Audit Commission of the IACH. According to the results of the elections, the Academy was replenished with 10 full members (academicians), 16 corresponding members and 5 academic advisers. Currently, the Academy has 1,756 members, including: 16 honorary academicians, 787 full members (academicians), 772 corresponding members and 181 academic advisors. The speakers were: General Director of LLC "Protein Plus" (St. Petersburg) Academician MAX V.N. Krasilnikov and Commercial Director of LLC "Cascade-Automation" (Moscow) corresponding member MAX K.A. According to the results of the General Annual Meeting of the Academy, a detailed resolution was adopted.
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Articles in current issue
- The results of the activities of the IAR in 2021 and objectives for 2022 (Report of the IAR President at the 29th General Annual Meeting on April 21, 2022) List of members of the International Academy of Refrigeration (as of 21.04.2022)
- Mathematical model for capacity regulation of screw single-rotor compressor by capacity control in the form of rotary adjustment ring
- Systems of electricity accumulating based on cryogenic technologies of air liquification
- Selection of refrigerants for refrigeration systems of fruit and vegetable stores
- Algorithm and the examples of multiparametric automated computational optimization for turboexpander compressor stage 3D impellers
- Thermal stability of a functional probiotic food ingredient based on encapsulated microorganisms Lactobacillus plantarum SP-A3
- Enzymatic extraction of oil from Atlantic mackerel waste and its use in functional nutrition
- The avocado oil and pumpkin seed oil as a source of fatty acids
- Evaluation of turbulence models for flow and heat transfer of drop-shaped tubes
- Analysis of methods for calculating the thermal conductivity of new liquid hydrofluorochlorine derivatives of olefins on the saturation line
- Solution of a mathematical model for the concentration of a hexane solution of technical paraffin to obtain its food modification