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Energy efficiency analysis of a passive air conditioning system


The article presents the mathematical modeling results of the energy efficiency for an air conditioning system using radiative cooling in the climatic conditions of Syria. The system consists of a roof-integrated multi-layer radiator and a thermal storage wall with a water heat exchanger to store radiative energy. Multi-layer coating provides all-day radiative cooling. If the radiative and radiant cooling system does not provide the required temperature in the room, the air conditioner is turned on. Energy Plus 9.5 program was used to evaluate the energy performance of the radiative cooling system. Since the EnergyPlus program does not provide for the calculation of roof-integrated radiator, The Energy Management System (EMS) module was used to create a radiator model. Climatic conditions were modeled with the Energy Plus program using associated TMY3 (Typical Meteorological Year) weather files. The paper defines: the hourly change in the system's main parameters during the summer months, such as the water temperature at the inlet and outlet of the radiative radiator, the water temperature at the inlet and outlet of the thermal storage wall with a water heat exchanger, and the water flow; change of the hourly cooling load; the radiative cooling power generated by a radiator during the summer months in Latakia and Damascus; the average daily electricity consumption during the operation of the radiative and radiant cooling system taking into account the consumption by air conditioner; the total amount of electricity consumed by the air conditioner. The results obtained showed that the energy saving coefficient from the use of radiative cooling during the summer months in Lattakia was 13.4% and in Damascus – 16.88%. The prospects of using this system in regions with a hot and temperate climate and limited energy resources are shown.


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