The description of metastable area nonparametric scaling equations of state

In article the equation of state, gained on the basis of the analysis of a phenomenological equation of state of Migdal is modified. The gained scale equation can be used for the description of area metastable states, in particular, thermal spinodal.
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- Corrosion problem of process equipment for food production
- The analysis of structure of nonparametric scaling equation of state
- The modified equation of the saturation line, meeting requirements of the scale theory
- Nonparametric scaling equation of state and a method of pseudo-critical points
- The description of metastable area within the limits of parametric representation of the scale theory
- The nonparametric scale equation of state which is not containing differential binomials
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- The equation of a line of the phase equilibrium, satisfying to the modified rule of curvilinear diameter