Например, Бобцов

Algorithms for marine robot

Сборник тезисов
Конференция:V Всероссийский конгресс молодых ученых
Раздел:Экономика и гуманитарные науки
Рубрика:Иностранный язык как средство современного научного и профессионального общения

Algorithms for marine robot



The goal of this work was to synthesize control algorithms for surface vessel. First-Order Nomoto Model was chosen for further research. Two algorithms for identification were chosen: the least square method and gradient algorithm. They allowed to get estimated parameters of the robotic model of surface vessel. In this work three control algorithms for surface vessel were synthesized: proportional-derivative, proportional-integral-derivative and consecutive compensator. Research trials confirmed the efficiency of these algorithms for robotic model of surface vessel.

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