Например, Бобцов

Economic advantages of LNG

Сборник тезисов
Конференция:V Всероссийский конгресс молодых ученых
Раздел:Экономика и гуманитарные науки
Рубрика:Иностранный язык как средство современного научного и профессионального общения

Economic advantages of LNG



Russian federation is a country that controls most of natural gas production and exports it in huge amounts by means of gas pipes. However, there are other ways to transport natural gas such as tankers filled with liquefied natural gas (LNG). LNG is more compact to transport and store (its density is 600 times higher). The task of this paper is to prove that LNG has a number of advantages over the traditional method of pipeline transportation and to give us an opportunity to store big amounts of gas with high efficiency.

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