Например, Бобцов

Getting anonymous: points to ponder

Сборник тезисов
Конференция:VI Всероссийский конгресс молодых ученых
Раздел:Экономика и гуманитарные науки
Рубрика:Иностранный язык как средство современного научного и профессионального общения

Getting anonymous: points to ponder



This study focuses on surveying and observing useful techniques can be successfully applied by the users on a daily basis for anonymity purposes in an easy way. Neglecting some of them, even slightly, frequently brings about plenty of problems caused by sharing some pieces of information better to be kept in secret. There will be some advice given, on how to avoid common mistakes of different kind while using various network services, recognize and bypass popular fraud techniques presently used by malefactors and lawbreakers, escape several popular traps ‘kindly offered’ even by reputed companies, refuse and reject some undesirable third-party activities which might lead to decreasing the required level of anonymity provided.

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