Например, Бобцов

Steinmauern Networks

Сборник тезисов
Конференция:VI Всероссийский конгресс молодых ученых
Раздел:Инновации и урбанистика
Рубрика:Урбанистика: новые подходы к управлению и развитию городских территорий с международным участием

Steinmauern Networks



Many small communes located in Germany are in a condition of changes and face far-reaching problems. Prevalence of the elderly population and low level of birth rate, and also fixed migration create new challenges to forming of further development and vision of own future. Nevertheless, the rural areas for many people continue to remain the attractive place for life. Villages provide the habitat, lack of city noise and delay of everyday life. Life and workspaces exert considerable impact on rural lifestyle. The population of villages are provided with jobs in the cities and only a small amount is involved in the territory of the village. Thus, it is worth defining possible prospects and the directions of development of the relations of villages and cities. Work purpose. Steinmauern design concept of development for 30 years, create conditions to make attractive the rural territory.

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