Generalized correlations of the isobaric heat capacity on the saturated liquid line for freon mixtures

A new method based on thermodynamic similarity and experimental data for the isobaric heat capacity of Freon mixtures on the saturated liquid line is offered to calculate the adjusted heat capacity for two-, three-and four-component CFC with due regard to the reduced temperature. Formulas have been developed to estimate the reduced heat capacity for the reduced temperature values within the range 0,3 < τ < 0,95 and with an error less than 3% in the range up to τ < 0,91, except for Freon R411b and R418a whose error for τ > 0,5 was within 3,3%. The dependence of the reduced heat capacity on the reduced density has also been analysed for CFC mixtures. In the range 0,75 < ρ/ρm < 1,36 the experimental data demonstrated good precision, with the exception of Freon R411b and R418a where the error for ρ/ρm 1,23 was within 4%.
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