The 13th General annual meeting of the International Academy of Refrigeration
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Articles in current issue
- The 13th General annual meeting of the International Academy of Refrigeration
- Results of work of IAR in 2005-2006. List of members of the International Academy of Refrigeration (as of 18.04.2006)
- Mathematical modelling of oil separation process with using of centrifugal forces
- Ecology and energy analysis of practicability of use of heat pumps in the systems of heat supply to hothouses
- Calculated dependencies of viscosity of water propylene glycol solutions of electrolytes as applied to the development of coolants with predictable properties
- State thermoelectrical devices for diagnostics investigation
- The method of calculation of the intensity of a freeze-drying process of shubat and kumiss
- Effective cryogenic destruction of saprophyte microorganisms on surfaces food products
- Lnfluence of low temperatures on the amount or non-freezing water and its physical and chemical properties in frozen cheese