For example,Бобцов

Development of pivopodobny drink on the basis of a permeat of whey


Recently membrane technologies (microfiltration, ultrafiltration, nanofiltration and the reverse osmosis) develop dynamiclyin Russia. Inevitably using these new technologies we can get new products. One of them is whey permeate, received by production of cottage cheese - an ultrafiltration method. Development of the new beer-like beverage  on the basis of a permeate of whey instead of water, is actual. On the one hand the biological value of drink increases, on the other hand the damage applied by factories of dairy industry that throw of the whey to the canalizationto the  environmentdecrease. In article possibility of creation of beer-like beverage on the basis of a permeat from cottage cheese serum is analysed. The components which are a part, such as malt and hop and their influence of their concentration on indicators the drinkquality are considered.


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