For example,Бобцов

Processing of non-traditional crops with unique characteristics in the North- West region of Russia


  The decision of the major problems of the present time - the rational use and conservation of biodiversity , due to the country's food security and sustainable livelihoods . Identify, comprehensive study and an introduction to the culture of promising wild species , as well as the application of new and non-traditional crops with unique characteristics of different economic areas will allow as close as possible to the full resolution of these problems. One group of non-traditional crops with unique properties are pryanoaromaticheskie plants from which the first essential oils. The main consumer of essential oils and fragrances - perfume and cosmetics and pharmaceuticals. Oils used in veterinary medicine and agronomy for the protection of plants, plant protection , in leather, fur , paint, gold , optical and other industries . Oils used in veterinary medicine and agronomy for the protection of plants, plant protection , in leather, fur , paint, gold , optical and other industries .         Many essential-oil plants are grown for industrial farms honey collection . Among non-traditional attar plants (crops) with unique properties occupy a special place catnip species that have useful properties.


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