For example,Бобцов

Traditional and perspective vegetable sources of iodine for enrichment of foodstuff


This paper shows the main directions of the elimination of iodine deficiency disorders (IDD) in the world, and in Russia, and results of research of the use of natural sources of iodine for the fortification of food products. Rationality of problem is caused by the absence or insufficient quantity of iodine in most food products, and therefore the only way to eliminate the deficit is the introduction of additives with a high content of this trace element. This article contains the results of studies of the chemical composition of dried kelp cultivated in China and the possibility of its use for the enrichment of dairy products. As an advanced sources of iodine are considered different parts of the walnut. the analysis of the experiments which proved the possibility of nut milk-wax ripeness for the creation of a food additive to dairy products. Along with this set of seasonal changes in the content of iodine in the young leaves of the walnut, and propose solutions to eliminate them at the expense of frozen storage and subsequent drying they can be used to enrich baked goods. The experiments demonstrate the possibility of using of milk-wax ripeness walnuts for the creation of a food additive for dairy products. There have also been established seasonal variations in iodine content in young leaves of walnut, and propose solutions to eliminate them at the expense of frozen storage and subsequent drying they can be used to enrich baked goods.


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