For example,Бобцов

Mobile system for internal measurement and mapping of topsoil agro-technological properties


Mobile system for internal measurement and mapping of topsoil agro-technological properties is considered in the article. Method of procedure and design basis for developed and suggested self-oscillated two-component frequency domain reflectometry transducer are considered. The transducer uses capacitance probe and inertial oscillation amplitude stabilization to determine soil permittivity, moisture and electrical conductivity on basis of free-running frequency and gain voltage control of self-oscillator high-frequency amplifier measurement. The transducer calibration lines are given. Methodology for sensor thermal error determination is described. The error is induced by sensor ground frictional heating. Procedures of measurement and mapping of agro-technological characteristics on agricultural fields with use of the GPS receiver and laptop installed directly on a mobile system for measurements of soil parameters and current geographical coordinates across the field recording, and a tractor equipped with guidance and assisted steering systems are stated. Examples of top-soil measured parameters maps design are given. Areas of the mobile system expedient usage in precision agriculture technologies and practice are considered.


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