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Multi-layered vacuum superinsulation


Fossil fuels are the modern world’s primary and most important energy source. Themain type of which is oil, used to generate heat for cooking and lighting applicationsduring the beginning of the nineteen century. Today, it is mostly used as a fuel forinternal combustion engines andprovides mobility for planes, cars, trains, trucks andboats. But by burning these fuels, carbon dioxide and other products that are harmful to the environment are being produced. Consequently alternative energy sources have to be developed that are cost effective and need to fill the modern world’s energy requirements without further increasing carbon dioxide levels. It is believed that hydrogen can be used as an alternative energy carrier for the use in internal combustion engines in order to alleviate the problem. In order to store liquid hydrogen cryogenically, very sophisticated insulation materials and configurations are required to mitigate hydrogen boil-off. It is believed that the most effective heat barrier for cryogenic applications is layered composite insulation material operating in high vacuum. It is claimed that for cryogenic applications MLVSI is the industry standard for insulating cryogenic containers. This composite insulation material shows much better boil-off results than conventional insulation.


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