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Prospects for producing and using proteins from secondary fish raw materials


Proteins are a unique natural material used in food, agrarian, microbiological, construction and other industries.The source of proteins is organic raw materials of animal, vegetable, marine, and microbial origin.The secondary fish raw material or waste from the cutting of fish, the proteins of which contain all the essential amino acids, is considered to be perspective is.This raw material is rationally treated with hydrothermal technology including fermentation with subsequent separation into peptide, lipid, and mineral-protein fractions.This method was proposed by the ANiMOX biotechnology company (Germany) and tested in KSTU when processing fish waste from the RosKon fish canning complex (Kaliningrad region).As a result of this treatment, the emulsion is first formed from the waste, which after separation is divided into three fractions - the upper (fatty), the middle (water) and the lower (sedimentary) fractions.The aqueous fraction is a concentrate of peptides which is subjected to freeze drying.Depending on the regimes of fermentation, temperature, and pressure during hydrothermolysis affecting the natural proteins of the raw material it is possible to obtain peptides of different molecular weights from 0.1 kDa to 100 kDa.The resulting peptide mixtures can be used in the production of protein supplements, specialized food, as a part of structure-forming agents, microbiological media, detergents, cosmetic preparations.Ready-made peptide mixtures contain more than 95% of proteins in terms of dry matter, less than 5% of minerals, and less than 1% of fat, stored without changing the quality for more than two years.The innovative technology of processing secondary fish raw materials has important advantages over the production of fodder flour and chemical technologies for the production of fish protein preparations.The technology allows obtaining fish fats of great value and protein-mineral additives along with the high-quality proteins. At the same time it is cost-effective and ecologically safe. Finished products have a relatively low cost due to the availability of equipment and the use of secondary fish raw materials sold at the price of from 0 to 10 rubles per 1 kg.In general, the share of fish waste processed for fish meal in Russia is only 22-35%, mostly they are sold in raw form or disposed in prohibited ways.The Center for Advanced Technologies of Protein Use has been established in cooperation with the Biotech IIB and the ANiMOX (German biotechnology company) with the support of the German Environmental Fund (DBU) and the Innovation Promotion Foundation (Russia) to promote the promising technology in KSTU at the Department of Food Biotechnology.This Center conducts research on the preparation of peptides from various raw materials of Kaliningrad region, explores their potential, develops technologies for new food products (sports and gerodietic nutrition, fish snacks, polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acids) and recommendations on the use of peptides in various industries.


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