For example,Бобцов

Ecological management – the main factor of social and economic development of rural territories


Socio-economic development of rural municipalities directly depends on the current environmental situation. The aim of the study is to develop practical recommendations for the development of environmental management in rural municipalities. The article presents an analysis of the functions of local self-government from an environmental point of view, as well as environmental problems that it has to face every day in the course of its work. The object of the study was rural municipalities of Orel region. The analysis of normative legal acts concerning ecological, socio-economic, municipal development and management of rural areas is made. The following research methods were used: monographic, analysis and synthesis, comparative and logical analysis, strategic SWOT analysis of the environmental situation on the example of the Orel region. Produced strategic SWOT analysis had the objective of determining the directions of development of rural municipal entities, which were identified as: assessment of the implementation of municipal programs of development of territories must take into account the environmental components; development of a comprehensive municipal programs of future land use and the territorial planning; the establishment of the agricultural enterprises and other enterprises sewage treatment plants with daily power characteristics adequate to the volume of produced waste destined for disposal or recycling; at design, construction and reconstruction of the enterprises for production of livestock production it is obligatory to provide opportunities for processing of manure and slurry in organic fertilizers; construction of plants on processing and garbage, instead of its burial on solid waste grounds and unauthorized dumps; the organization of mass actions at Federal regional and municipal levels on increase of ecological culture of the population; institutional changes (deformation of public hearings on the issues of territorial planning and placement of new productions, granting local self-government the right "Veta" to decide on the organization of especially harmful productions) the role of local self-government in increasing their role in solving environmental problems and system control over the main pollutants located in rural areas.


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