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The devices and parameters for technogenic pollution freezing by liquid and gaseous nitrogen


It is proposed to use the cryogenic freezing method with subsequent disposal of contaminated soil including spills of rocket fuel associated with the operation of carrier rockets to eliminate the consequences of technogenic pollutions. A device with a set of two-zone modules with the use of gaseous nitrogen and liquid nitrogen, formed as a result of its evaporation, was designed to quickly freeze relatively flat contamination surface. When freezing in places with a complex topography of the contaminated soil, the use of “pistol” - the developed sprayer of liquid nitrogen – is effective. A prototype of the "pistol" was made and tests were carried out to prove its claimed effectiveness. The object of freezing was the most environmentally toxic rocket fuel - asymmetric dimethylhydrazine (ADMH). Based on the cryogenic devices proposed mathematical models for calculating the following freezing parameters for liquid and gaseous nitrogen of contaminated soil have been developed: the heat transfer coefficient (α), the process duration (τ) and the final temperature (tк) provided by the parameter (τ). The results of the calculation of the main parameters for the freezing of rocket fuel are presented in the form of tabular and graphical dependencies on the thickness of the contaminated soil layer (δ), the concentration of ADMH (Cp), and the temperature range of vapor-liquid and gaseous nitrogen (tN2) over a wide range of their values. Obtained basic parameters of the process of freezing of contaminated ground by liquid and gaseous nitrogen are necessary for practical implementation of the proposed cryogenic devices, and the calculation methods used are applicable for any technogenic pollution.


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