For example,Бобцов

Ecologization processes in enterprises for storage of grain crops and their economic incentive


In the analysis of domestic and foreign experience of greening on the subject under consideration, it is determined that most of the developments of domestic and foreign specialists relate mainly to technological processes, but do not take into account the management aspects and directions of their economic stimulation. In addition, many issues remain unsolved, including the areas of greening of enterprises in terms of emissions into the atmosphere and waste management. This legislation does not establish the rate of payment for the emission of grain dust into the air. In this article on the basis of the analysis of grain complex technical and economic indicators of the enterprise are considered and the main problems of development are revealed. The authors show the generalization and systematization of the provisions on the greening of the processes of activity in the grain complex of the country in terms of the impact on the air and waste generation. The economic assessment of the proposed principles in terms of the rates of emissions and recommendations on measures to improve technological processes. Developed by the introduction of raising factors in the calculation of rates of payment for solids and grain dust, a scheme of organization of activities in the evaluation of the possibility of using grain dust waste as a by-product and their disposal. Greening of production processes is directly related to the economic component, as economic incentives and government regulation will lead the company to the need to ecologize production processes and form a new organizational mechanism of environmental protection.


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