For example,Бобцов

State policy of improving territorial formations with depressed status


Today, the national priority of the Russian Federation is the transition to sustainable socio-economic development on the basis of effective implementation of innovative potential. However, the key problem of achieving this goal on the scale of the national economy is disproportion in the level of development of individual entities, as well as in the presence of a significant number of territorial entities with a special problem status, among which, special attention is paid to the depressed regions, due to their possession of significant industrial and economic potential in the past. Today, depressed regions in the conditions of making the right management decisions could become new points of growth, drivers of innovative development, which determines the relevance of the development of quality measures of state support for their recovery and stabilization. The article analyzes the main vectors of state support for depressed areas, considers various options and classifications of health improvement tools, identifies their advantages and disadvantages on the example of specific subjects. Special attention is paid to the mechanisms of financing depressed regions, both at the Federal and regional levels, as well as policies to increase their investment attractiveness. The directions of reproductive investment policy and the most effective tools for its implementation, which are potentially able to activate the investment processes in the region to form the Foundation for the lifting phase of the economic cycle. In conclusion, the author analyzes the positive trends that can be achieved with the successful implementation of measures of recovery, offers a promising, according to the author, a tool to overcome regional depression in the implementation of a comprehensive development program.


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