For example,Бобцов

Formation of approaches to the analysis of efficiency of investment and innovation projects of industrial business-systems


When transforming the concept of growth into the concept of economic development, there is an unequivocal orientation of industrial business systems towards the implementation of innovations, the development of which at the microeconomic level is carried out on a project basis. Analysis of existing approaches to the evaluation of innovative projects found such a general shortcoming, as taking into account only part of the array of specific characteristics of innovation implementation projects, and the lack of consideration of their heterogeneity. The paper identifies features of investment and innovation projects that determine the specificity of approaches to the analysis of their effectiveness, and also describes the areas of heterogeneity of innovations. On the basis of the established interrelations of the level of specificity of innovative projects with types of innovations and groups of subjects of the innovation process, an approach to the choice of methods for analyzing innovative investment projects has been formalized.


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