For example,Бобцов

Problems of the improvement of risk management in business


The article deals with the main provisions of the system of business risk management. The basic principles for building an effective risk management system are analyzed and proposed. A risk management model is proposed, the peculiarity of which is prevention of risks and prevention of occurrence of risk events in the composition of business management. On the basis of adaptation of the General theory of management to specifics of business risks the corresponding recommendations on neutralization of risks providing increase of efficiency of activity of business structures are offered. The aim of the study is to study modern scientific and methodological approaches to risk management. Objectives of the study: substantiation of the need to build an effective system of risk management in business structures, a description of the key parameters of effective risk management, a description of the characteristics of the process of developing a risk management model. The reliability of scientific statements, conclusions and results is achieved by scientific and analytical research and critical understanding of domestic and foreign experience.The practical significance of the results is associated with the possibility of their adaptation to the risk management process of business structures in order to minimize or neutralize them.


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