For example,Бобцов

Territory of the overcoming socio-economic development in the system of free economic zones of the Russian Federation: realities and prospects


The issue of innovative modernization of the regions of the Russian Federation is becoming increasingly relevant every year. The country's leadership is taking concrete steps to implement major national and regional projects and introduce modern management technologies into the domestic practice. In this regard, since 2015, territories of advanced socio-economic development (TOSED) are being created in Russia. At the time of writing, there are 99 such economic entities. The purpose of the work is to determine the place and prospects of TASED in the system of special economic zones - the fundamental direction of innovation policy in the Russian Federation. In turn, the relevance lies in assessing and analyzing the existing experience of the functioning of free economic zones, identifying existing shortcomings, determining the development potential of this mechanism and TESED as its integral element. The subject of this work is the territory of advanced socio-economic development. Research methods. In the course of the study, such general scientific methods as synthesis, analysis, comparison, analogy, scientific abstraction, classification were used. The article explores the prospect of applying the territories of advanced socio-economic development in domestic practice. Comparison with other forms of free economic zones is carried out by analyzing the legislation in this area and the practice of TOSED work by application. The study yielded the following results: to follow the evolution of the development of free economic zones: from the free economic zones that appeared in the 90s to modern innovative mechanisms - the SEZ, ZTR, and TESED; conduct a comparative analysis of the types of free economic zones (SEZ, ZTR, TASED) among themselves; to identify the advantages, promising directions of development, as well as the disadvantages (risks) of TASED as an integral part of the functioning of free economic zones.


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