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The impact of digitalization of the economy on the project management methodology


Introduction: Interest in project management is growing every year in all areas of activity around the world. The Russian Federation also noted an increase in the number of specialists in the field of project management based on the analysis of statistics of obtaining PMI certificates in Russia for 2000–2019. And this is fully justified, because project management has proved its effectiveness to the world and was recognized as a high-class organizational and intellectual culture of the implementation of projects of various kinds. The development of project management methodologies in the XXI century depends on the development of the world economic system, the development of science and technology, the emergence of new fields of knowledge. Today, one of the most significant trends in the development of society as a whole is the digitalization of the economy. It leads to the formation of a new view of project management in General. The purpose of this article is to determine how the digitalization of the economy affects the methodology of project management. Data and Metods: For this purpose, some of the most common project management methodologies to date have been considered, namely Waterfall, Scrum and PRINCE2. Analys of Results: As a result of the data analysis approaches were the main advantages and disadvantages. Further, having studied the concepts of «digitalization» proposed by various authors, the key criteria characterizing the digital economy were identified, on the basis of which its author's definition was formulated. As a result of this work, it was concluded that effective project management in the digital economy requires seamless integration of agile methodologies, such as Scrum, and tightly regulated provisions in the initial implementation, such as PRINCE2 and the classic waterfall (cascade) methodology.


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