For example,Бобцов



The problems arising in the development of control systems of gas-producing complexes are consi-dered and ways to overcome them are analyzed. It is noted that the unsteady and random nature of gas production processes affects the definition of the field development mode, assessment of technological parameters, optimization of gas production and treatment processes. The gas production complex is characterized by the presence of different types of reservoir filtration systems, simultaneous and separate production from several layers, different types of collection structures and gas treatment technologies. The objective function of the control system is defined as the assurance of a given performance under the conditions of hydrate formation prevention, which is achieved by providing the required gas indicators for moisture and hydrocarbons. By controlling the gas pressure at the outlet of the installation, the necessary conditions for the operation of gas transportation systems are created and the maximum use of gas reservoir energy and the capacity of the section of the main gas pipeline is ensured. A concept of cybernetic systems is proposed; this concept consists in formation of two interconnected and interacting in real time dynamic subsystems striving for self-organization. Within the framework of the concept, it is necessary to develop digital models of controlled gas production processes at gas wells, gas production in multi-layer deposits using a single well, rectification of multicomponent mixtures and multi-mode control systems, taking into account the analysis of a large array of data on modes.


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