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Automation of integrated business analysis for SME organizations based on MS POWER BI


Due to limited resources, small and medium-sized organizations are often forced to manually conduct strategic analysis and make management decisions based on the results. However, modern information technology allows us to solve the problem of automating the processes of making effective decisions in the field of strategic management, taking into account the limited resources of the organization. To solve this problem, there is a need to configure analytical tools taking into account the characteristics of a separate organization. The article discusses the problem of automating integrated business analysis for small and medium-sized enterprises using business intelligence information systems using the example of MS POWER BI. Data and Methods. The paper explores ways to increase efficiency in making operational management decisions by automating heterogeneous data sources that accumulate daily new information about the organization. A competitive analysis of existing tools and services in the field of business analytics is carried out according to key characteristics, such as the server’s ability to automatically update interactive reports (dashboards), the presence of an application that implements dashboards, connects data sources, the ability to visualize analysis results, the ability to use structured (SQL) and unstructured (NoSQL) queries for connecting to databases, tool cost and others. Based on requests from four organizations of small and medium-sized businesses in different fields, a problem analysis is carried out, problems, features and needs of companies are identified. The adaptation and testing of MS POWER BI tools to the needs of the analyzed organizations is carried out. Analys of Results.. The testing of MS POWER BI tools in the practice of organizations, taking into account their characteristics, allowed us to identify the advantages of the proposed method and to conclude that it is advisable to introduce automated analysis for representatives of small and medium-sized businesses due to limited resources. Using the BI-tools allowed firms to overcome several barriers of traditional analytics: unstructured data, a long period of preparation of analytical reports and, as a result, the irrelevance of indicators. In the course of the study, it was proved that the creation of a comprehensive solution for monitoring all the main strategic areas of the company on a single platform with clear analytics will increase the speed of making informed management decisions and will directly affect the company's profitability, becoming its serious competitive advantage.


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