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The selection tools of information security audit’s of the enterprise method


For modern enterprises to automate business processes using computer technology and telecommunications are an integral part of their development. A key role in ensuring the efficiency of commercial and state enterprises play an information system. Late discovery of shortcomings of such systems affects the efficiency and reliability of information security systems. To ensure the successful functioning and development of information systems, information security audit is an indispensable tool of research and evaluation. This article considers the problem of selecting the optimal method of audit of information security of the enterprise. To solve the problem, we propose the analysis of methods of audit of information security. The principal methods of audit of information security and their features.Two types of analysis are taken as a tool for choosing the method of information security audit: SWOT-analysis and FMEA-analysis. Step-by-step algorithms for calculating quantitative indicators of these methods are described. The conclusion is made about the contribution of internal audit in ensuring the information security of the enterprise, its impact on managerial decision making and competitiveness.The results of the effectiveness of the chosen methods of information security audit both individually and in the aggregate are summarized.


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