For example,Бобцов

Using Nonlinear Spring Accumulators in Balancing Systems and Mechatronic Spring Drives


The problems of balancing vertical loads in various lifting devices are solved. Решены задачи уравновешивания вертикальных нагрузок в различных подъемных устройствах. Consideration is given to nonlinear spring accumulators that can be used to balance vertical loads in lifting devices, in various mechatronic spring drives with energy recovery, and in tactile sensors of industrial robots. The laws of motion that can be realized in spring drives with energy recovery, built on the basis of spring accumulators with an output rotary link and designed for stepper drives, drives with reciprocating and reciprocating movements, are analyzed. A comparative analysis of the main characteristics of various spring accumulators for solving the balancing problem is given, and recommendations for using different laws of motion are formulated.


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