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Main directions and factors of digital transformation of the science and educations


Introduction: the relevance of the analysis of the main directions and factors of digital transformation of the science and education sector is associated with the intensification of the process of digitalization of all spheres of life of the society, which is fixed as one of the priorities of Russia's development at the state level. Training personnel with modern digital competencies is one of the key tasks of the science and education sector. Considerable attention at this stage is focused on the development of "end-to-end" digital technologies, which will be used to modernize the existing education system and develop appropriate requirements for it. It is necessary to create conditions for the continuity of the educational process and its individualization in a single information educational space, through which it is possible to implement these conditions. The digitalization factor of the scientific and educational environment is reflected in the mass development of information technologies, expressed in the speed and availability of high-speed Internet. A more advanced level of technical equipment and the specifics of new professions related to the development of digital culture also contribute to the rapid development of digitalization in Russia.


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