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Talent management as a direction for the development of the organization's human capital for creating innovations


The article provides an overview of the concept of talent management used in organizations of the innovation-active type for personnel management within the framework of human capital management of organizations. The main theoretical approaches to the definition of the term «talent» and the concept of «talent management» are systematized because of the analysis of theoretical scientific literature, the opinions of practitioners-experts of talent management in innovative organizations, as well as the analysis of the experience used in organizations. The main features of talent management and the relationship of this concept with the human capital of the organization, the difference with human resources, as well as the problems and tasks of implementing the concept in innovative and active companies are identified. Within the framework of the work, the direction of the concept of human capital – talent management is considered, the features of the concept of talent management that distinguish this concept from human resource man-agement and personnel management are identified. The main difference between «talent management» and other concepts is based on the interpretation of the concept of «talent», where, based on the analysis of ex-pert interviews, as well as scientific literature, each employee in the organization is considered a talent. The concept of talent management in this case is one of the directions of the concept of human capital, which forms the overall intellectual potential of the organization. As the results of the study, the authors show and systematize various talent management practices based on the stages of development and attraction of talent by companies. The classification of the term talent and the talent management system in the framework of human capital management in the company is also proposed, thanks to which it is possible to create and de-velop innovations in companies.


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