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Influence of the immune modulator as a feed additive for bees on the honey quality and biosafety


Currently in the beekeeping industry, environmentally friendly production is one of the major priorities. In the unfavorable environmental conditions existing now, the vital activity, productivity, and immunity of bees, as well as the safety of beekeeping products are under threat. A serious issue in the beekeeping field is the massive bee death as a result of the use of pesticides and herbicides during fertilization and protection of agricultural fields from harmful plants and parasites, exposure to electromagnetic radiation on bees, poor-quality nutrition of bee colonies, emissions from industrial enterprises and road transport, etc. To reduce the negative effect of negative factors for the vital activity of bees, a multifunctional feeding was developed, which increases the survival rate, resistance, and immunity of bees based on the use of polysaccharides of higher fungi - β-glucans, which have a pronounced immunomodulatory activity. Comparative evaluation of the main quality indicators (water content, reducing sugars and sucrose, and amylase number) was made for honey collected from bees fed with immunostimulating supplement based on β-glucans, BiHit chitosan-containing dressing, and without the use of any additives for the control variant. A veterinary and sanitary examination of the honey was carried out in accordance with current GOST requirements. The organoleptic characteristics of the honey were evaluated by its color, taste, aroma, and consistency. As a result of the study, it was found that the feed additive for bees based on β - glucans does not negatively affect the quality and safety of honey. This honey is approved for sale without restrictions and is recommended for consumption.


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