Scientific basis for terminal sterilization of liquid canned food systems

The article describes methods for determination canned food terminal sterilization modes to determine and validate the parameters of sterilization providing consumer safety. The temperature of the sterilized product in the packing zone at terminal sterilization was analyzed. The actual predictive techniques of calculation for the modes of thermal sterilization for canned liquid food are described. Those techniques are based on the paradigm of determining actual mortality in the slowest heating zone at convective heating of packaged food systems. The disadvantages of indirect thermophysical methods of calculation for determining and validation of canned food terminal sterilization modes are shown. The article demonstrates the experimental results for liquid food systems with various content of water-soluble dry matter in cans and jars (water, apple juice, and sugar syrup). The influence of food system thermophysical properties on the temperature dynamics at the bottom of the can/jar, near the wall in boundary layer, in the upper layer of the product at the middle of the radius, and at the center of the slowest heating zone at heating and cooling is determined. The data from the previous research as well as the data from our own experiments demonstrate the circulation of liquid in packages at sterilization during the considerable part of heating and cooling phases in the zones under investigation. At the same time, the population of spoilage microorganisms distributed in the product moves into the zones of various temperature including the slowest heating one, which makes the estimation of sterilizing effect in terms of its mortality at a particular zone of the liquid insignificant. The location of the slowest heating zone does not coincide with the one of stationary zone in the product with convective flow. The safety of the sterilization regime for a liquid food system is suggested to be estimated by a well-knownbiological method.
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- Scientific basis for terminal sterilization of liquid canned food systems