For example,Бобцов

Simulation of heat transfer process in shell-and-tube heat exchanger


This study focuses on research of the heat transfer process that occurs in shell-and-tube heat exchangers between heat transfer fluids in the form of nitrogen in shellside and natural gas in tubeside. During the research, heat exchange processes are simulated in the HTRI software. It is designed to create and study a real copy of a heat exchanger, as well as to predict thermodynamic processes. As a result of modeling, changes in the thermophysical properties of working fluids (enthalpy, heat capacity, density, and thermal conductivity) are predicted as a function of temperature changes, and such physical and thermodynamic processes as changes in tube - and shellside velocities, the distribution of temperatures in tube – and shellside along the length, and heat transfer coefficients are considered and examined. In addition, the flow modes of heat transfer fluids in the tubes and shell are determined based on changes in Reynolds numbers, and the change in the overall heat transfer coefficient along the length of the heat exchanger is considered based on changes in the heat transfer coefficients of nitrogen and natural gas as well as duty increasing and streams movement are considered and examined.


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