For example,Бобцов

The equation of state and the density for the mixture of supercritical carbon dioxide with vegetable oils


The publication considers the finding of an equation connecting volume, temperature, and pressure for gases, fluids, and liquids, which is fundamental in thermal physics. We used the Van-der-Waals equation containing two parameters, A and B. Parameter A characterizes the force with which the near-surface layer of molecules is pulled from the wall by the layer nearest to it, and parameter B is the total volume of molecules. For a more accurate description, an auxiliary summand has been added to the equation of state - a factor containing the parameter C, the value of which is determined by the interaction energy of molecules. An important property of the proposed equation is the ability to determine the parameters A, B, and C for a mixture from their values for the components of the mixture. Difficulties are known when trying to obtain a formula for the density of solutions of supercritical carbon dioxide (SCDC) in vegetable oils. The authors have derived an equation for the density of supercritical carbon dioxide solutions in vegetable oils.


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