For example,Бобцов

Comparative analysis of cooling methods for data center servers and data banks. Part 1. Circuit designs and features


The paper considers the prospects of using dielectric as a coolant in server cooling systems used in data centers and storage centers. The growth rate of the IT sector of the economy today is exponential. Large tasks require large computing resources, powerful processors, large data storages, and huge emitting heat during operation. All electronic components dissipate large amounts of heat as they operate. Operating at high temperatures can lead to malfunctions, loss of power, and breakdowns in electronic systems. Currently, the industrial IT-sphere is increasingly faced with the problem of the server equipment overheating by using air-cooling systems. However, today liquid-cooling is considered to be a more effective and economical alternative to the air heat removal systems. The article calculates the power of heat flow for the two currently relevant methods of heat removal from electronic components: air and liquid-cooling. Calculations are made on the basis of the criterial equations of convective heat transfer for different heat transfer cases. Initial data on flow velocity, size of heat dissipating plate, flow temperature, and cooled surface are the same for air and liquid medium. The cases of fluid flow around a horizontally placed processor by forced laminar liquid and air flows are considered. Any processor is a complex multi-component device, therefore, the heat dissipation from the heat dissipating cover of the processor is considered to clarify the calculation. Based on the results obtained, a comparison of the two methods of heat dissipation is made and a conclusion about the prospects for liquid-cooling is formulated.


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