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Determination of shelf life for minced meat semi-finished products enriched with Jerusalem artichoke powder


This article is about the study of changes in the storage of microbiological parameters of frozen meat semi-finished products with Jerusalem artichoke powder. There is a growing interest in food products for the prevention and treatment of patients with diabetes mellitus - with a reduced glycemic index. The products of the adiabetic profile can serve as minced meat semi-finished products as a source of valuable animal proteins with vegetable raw materials with high biological properties - Jerusalem artichoke powder. Jerusalem artichoke is distinguished by a high content of inulin, mineral elements, vitamins, bioflavonoids and fiber. Inulin is used in the nutrition of people with diabetes mellitus. Microbiological and organoleptic parameters of minced meat semi-finished products with Jerusalem artichoke powder were studied using standard and generally accepted methods during freezing storage. In the product, we investigated the general microbial background, the content of opportunistic microorganisms and the presence of pathogenic microorganisms, the content of spoilage microbes, in accordance with the requirements for meat semi-finished products of TR CU 021/2011 and TR CU 034/2013. We compared the indicators of the product under study with an analog – minced meat products with a vegetable component presented on the market. We performed sensory evaluation of meat products during the entire storage period. At the end of storage in the product, we examined the sanitary and hygienic indicators. The results allow us to set the shelf life of the frozen product for 3 months.


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