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Assessment of the use of digital technologies by economic entities in the regions of Russia


In recent years, most countries have undergone a significant transformation of socio-economic systems based on the widespread use of digital technologies. These technologies have provided a significant increase in the efficiency of management and production processes. This transformation affected enterprises and organizations located in Russia. The purpose of our research is to evaluate the indicators characterizing the use of three groups of technologies by enterprises and organizations, namely machine learning, intelligent decision support systems and big data analytics in the regions in Russia. The official statistical information for 2020 was used as empirical data. The research was based on the development of mathematical models in accordance with the methodological approach proposed by the author. At the same time, normal distribution functions were developed that describe the shares of enterprises and organizations using these technologies in the total number of all enterprises and organizations located in each of the regions. The study showed that in 2020, an average of 3.6% of enterprises and organizations in the regions of Russia used machine learning technologies. The level of use of intelligent decision support systems by enterprises and organizations in the regions of Russia was even lower - 3.1%. Slightly more (4.0%) enterprises and organizations used big data analysis technologies. The results of the study showed that, despite the relatively recent start of the introduction of the technologies in question, they are used at enterprises and organizations in all regions of Russia. The results of the work can be used in the activities of structures related to the development of digitalization and the justification for allocating additional resources to regions with a low level of development of the technologies in question.


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